Beijing Opera


I did not quite enjoy this show primarily because of my utter ignorance of this form of art. But the audience’s general exclamation of dismay when the curtain closed might also prove that I wasn’t the only ignorant viewer present 🙂 Or worse, that it failed to meet their expectations, and mine! So unless you are familiar with Peking Opera, I would strongly suggest front-loading your brain with information about this performing art before actually watching it. I read about it only after I got back from my trip. And Wikipedia is always a helpful source:

“Peking Opera or Beijing Opera is a form of traditional Chinese theater which combines music, vocal performance, mine, dance and acrobatics. It features four main types of performers. With their elaborate and colorful costumes, performers are the only focal points in Peking Opera’s characteristically sparse stage. They utilize the skills of speech, song, dance, and combat in movements that are symbolic and suggestive, rather than realistic. Above all else, the skill of performers is evaluated according to the beauty of their movements.”  Click here to read more.

Meanwhile, here are some photos and a short clip from the show:

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To book for a discounted ticket price and get directions to Liyuan Theater, visit this site. I got mine from them. A staff from the travel agency met me at Qianmen Jiangu Hotel lobby (where the theater is housed) 30mins before the show started, and accepted payment in cash.



I write to express what is alive within.

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Posted in Life in Art
One comment on “Beijing Opera
  1. […] Day 20 The Great Wall adventure: Traveling to Badaling by public bus was time-consuming because of the madding crowd, long queues and heavy traffic. I only had less than 3hrs scaling the wall and headed right back to the city. Had a bit of time to rest at the hostel before heading out to watch Beijing (Peking) Opera. […]


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"The beauty of the truth is that it need not be proclaimed or believed. It skips from soul to soul, changing form each time it touches, but it is what it is."— Mark Helprin

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